Tuesday 4 November 2008

Smoked Salmon Tagliatelle

I was given a load of smoked salmon yesterday so I decided to use it to make a warm filling pasta dish for dinner instead of just eating with scrambled egg for breakfast. It worked out pretty tasty and certainly filled me up!


2 Salmon (smoked) portions, sliced and diced into thin pieces
100 ml creme fraiche
250ml Milda (creme and sunflower oil) this is basically just a creamy white sauce which you can make your self.
1 white onion
3 garlic cloves
1/2 a broccoli
1/2 a courgette
6 cauliflower florets
Fish seasoning powder or mixed seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste
300g of tagliatelle

1. I started by heating some olive oil in a wok and adding the onion and garlic.
2. Meanwhile put a pan of water on to boil for the pasta
3. Add the broccoli, courgette and cauliflower and stir for 2-3 min
4. Add the milda or ready made creamy white sauce and stir in.
5. Add the smoked salmon pieces and stir in the mixture.
6. Mean while add the tagliatelle to boiling water, see packet for specific time
7. Add seasoning, salt and pepper to the sauce mix , stir in and let simmer.
8. When the pasta is cooked, strain it and add it to the sauce, mix up well and transfer to bowls.

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